Bloodsport is an action-packed martial arts film that takes viewers on an exhilarating journey. Set in Hong Kong, the story centers around Frank Dux, a highly skilled American martial artist serving in the military. Feeling unfulfilled, Frank takes a risky decision to leave the army to participate in an underground martial arts tournament known as the Kumite.
The Kumite is a high-stakes competition where fighters from around the world gather to test their combat skills. However, this tournament allows fights to the death, making it incredibly dangerous. Frank's dedication and determination to honor his martial arts mentor, who first introduced him to the Kumite, drive him to push his limits.
The film's intense action sequences and breathtaking fight scenes keep viewers on the edge of their seats. As Frank navigates through the challenges of the Kumite, he discovers the true meaning of honor, friendship, and loyalty.
Bloodsport showcases Jean-Claude Van Damme's incredible martial arts skills and solidifies his status as a martial arts icon. With its compelling storyline, fascinating characters, and stunning cinematography, this film is a must-watch for fans of the genre.
Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-fueled journey into the world of martial arts as you witness the courage and determination of Frank Dux in Bloodsport. Get ready to experience the thrill of the Kumite tournament and discover the true essence of martial arts.
Also Known As:
BloodsportRelease Date:
29 Apr 1988Writers:
Sheldon Lettich, Christopher Cosby, Mel FriedmanAwards:
1 nomination total