Genre: Documentary
2998 content found
Hitlers Aska 2018

En man påstår sig ha bevis för att Hitlers aska smugglades till Sverige efter självmordet i bunkern 1945 och att askan under många år gömdes undan av en svensk adelsfamilj. I den här dokumentären undersöker Melker Becker sanningar och lögner i en svindlande färd genom historien.

Category: Documentary

Mercury 13 2018

This documentary profiles women who were tested in 1961 for spaceflight, but had their dreams dashed when only men were chosen to become astronaut

Category: Documentary

Stars: Myrtle Cagle, Jerrie Cobb, Wally Funk

5,6 IMDB Rating 3,547 Views
After Porn Ends 2 2017

After Porn Ends 2 picks up where its predecessor left off, and not only turns back the clock to meet the oldest living stars in adult film's history, but goes in depth with some of its most current retirees, and juxtaposes their experiences in a life after porn. Delving deeper into society's ongoing stigmas of race, misogyny, and the reality of decreasing opportunities for these former VHS box cover stars. For some, their careers in adult entertainment are accepted proudly and without regret. In fact, it seems to have proven to be the pathway to their current happiness and inner peace. For others, however, a career in porn has proven to be a conduit to certain despair as they struggle to find a way to bury their past and emerge with a new career or calling

Category: Documentary

Stars: Ashley Adams, Brittany Andrews, Lisa Ann

5,4 IMDB Rating 8,490 Views
After Porn Ends 2012

An exploration of the lives of several former adult performers who have retired from the porn industry.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Amber Lynn, Asia Carrera, Bobby Slayton

5,7 IMDB Rating 9,898 Views
Hitlers Svenska Soldater

Runt 200 svenskar valde frivilligt att strida som SS-soldater för Nazityskland. Vilka var de? Vilka var de? Vad hände med dem under och efter kriget? Waffen-SS gjorde sig ökända för massmord och etnisk rensning. Dokument avslöjar att svenska SS-soldater tidigt kände till Förintelsen, men informationen hemligstämplades. Anhöriga och några av SS-svenskarna själva berättar genom inspelningar, brev och dagböcker

Category: Documentary

Hilarity for Charity 2018

Seth Rogen hosts an evening of comedy to raise awareness for Alzheimer's disease.

Category: Comedy, Documentary

Stars: Sacha Baron Cohen, Michael Che, James Corden

5,6 IMDB Rating 3,699 Views
Human Flow 2017

Human Flow is director and artist Ai Weiwei's detailed and heartbreaking exploration into the global refugee crisis.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Israa Abboud, Hiba Abed, Rami Abu Sondos

6,8 IMDB Rating 4,953 Views
Avicii: True Stories 2017

Focuses on the incredible rise, fall and rebirth of one of the worlds most successful electronic music artists of all time, Avicii.

Category: Documentary

8,3 IMDB Rating 17,138 Views
Goblin Works Garage

14 years ago I was one of the millions of viewers who tuned-in to see what calamities the Teutuls had got up to in the OCC garage as part of Discovery Channel’s American Chopper series. But the more extreme that show got the more unbelievable the characters and scenarios became and I eventually switched off. There was something that stuck with me though, the desire to work with a bunch of mates (not family like the Teutuls) while have a laugh building cool stuff.

Category: Documentary

Red Trees 2017

Traces a family's journey as one of only twelve Jewish families to survive the Nazi occupation of Prague during World War II.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Tim Pigott-Smith

7,1 IMDB Rating 4,398 Views
Salvage Hunters 2011

Meet modern-day treasure hunter Drew Pritchard. With demanding customers, high turnover, and one of the biggest decorative salvage yards in the UK, Drew is constantly on the road, crisscrossing the country in search of derelict gems and forgotten remnants. Drew loves the thrill of the hunt and while he gets his hands dirty in the country's architectural backwaters, his crack team of restorers is back at the shop giving old and rare finds a new lease on life.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Drew Pritchard

7.8 IMDB Rating 17,627 Views
Railroad Australia 2016

Getting up close and personal with all things Railway in Australia! Freight trains, tourist trains, passenger trains, rail fans, building and maintenance.

Category: Documentary

8,4 IMDB Rating 7,725 Views
Take Your Pills 2018

Every era gets the drug it deserves. In America today, where competition is ceaseless from school to the workforce and everyone wants a performance edge, Adderall and other prescription stimulants are the defining drugs of this generation.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Anjan Chatterjee

6,6 IMDB Rating 4,487 Views
Hobbyhorse Revolution

Category: Documentary

Stars: Mariam Njie, Elsa Salo, Alisa Aarniomäki

Ladies First 2018

An inspirational survival story of Deepika Kumari who, as a girl born on the roadside to abject poverty in rural India, went in search of food, stumbled upon archery, and within 4 years became the Number One archer in the World.

Category: Documentary, Sport

8,6 IMDB Rating 6,823 Views
Dinosaur 13 2014

When Paleontologist Peter Larson and his team from the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research made the world's greatest dinosaur discovery in 1990, they knew it was the find of a lifetime; the largest, most complete T. rex ever found. But during a ten-year battle with the U.S. government, powerful museums, Native American tribes, and competing paleontologists, they found themselves not only fighting to keep their dinosaur but fighting for their freedom as well.

Category: Documentary

Stars: Stan Adelstein,Lanice Archer,Robert Bakker,Philip Currie

7.1 IMDB Rating 5,829 Views
Rocky Mountain Railroad 2017

Rocky Mountain Railroad följer motståndskraftiga besättningar som slåss vildsint väder och förrädisk terräng för att hålla Kanadas kritiska gods-och passagerartåg rullande. Det är en exklusiv resa genom den isiga fjäll vildmarken på landets mest extrema järnväg. Avstängning är inte ett alternativ, och det är i de kallaste Frost månaderna att nätverket står upp som en bedrift av modern teknik. Inför det ständiga hotet om dödliga laviner, monster istappar, Rockslides och farliga djurliv, den härdiga besättningar av Rocky Mountain Railroad måste göra allt som krävs för att hålla denna kritiska livlina går smidigt.

Category: Documentary

La Libertad del Diablo 2017

A documentary about the violence on Mexico tell from the word of those who have suffer the pain and those who make the pain.

Category: Documentary

7,6 IMDB Rating 4,341 Views
A Week In Watts 2017

A Week in Watts is a feature length documentary that tells the story of six students in Watts, Los Angeles, involved in a program called Operation Progress - which gives youth scholarships to private schools in the area and pairs them with LAPD police officer as mentors.

Category: Documentary

Europas Brasilia Ett Epos Fran Fororten

I bostadsbristens sextiotal drabbades stadsplanerarna i Göteborg av storhetsvansinne. Inspirerade av Brasiliens nya huvudstad Brasilia, ville de bygga en ny stad för 200 000 invånare, mitt ute i skogen. Ingenting blev som de hade planerat. Boxaren Sagal Hussein är född och uppväxt i Hjällbo. I filmen möter hon experter från den akademiska medelklassen, som på olika sätt försöker förklara för henne varför förorten hon kommer ifrån är ett sånt misslyckande. Hjällbo är idag en Sveriges mest segregerade förorter, men Sagal kan inte tänka sig en bättre plats att växa upp på. På sin väg ut i livet reflekterar hon över denna motsättning. En film av Carl Pontus Hjorthén.

Category: Documentary